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Special Easter Thanks!

Thank you to all the people who made our Lent and Easter special! Thanks to the breakfast cooks, the Altar Guild, the Wednesday actors, the IT people, the program folders, the cleaners, the planners, the Pastor, the musicians, the choir, the lily donors and all who participated and contributed..


How would you answer these questions?

  1. What is happening in our community that is making God smile?
  2. What is happening in our community that is breaking God's heart?
  3. What gifts has God given to us that we can use to make a difference?

Peanut Butter

We are still the peanut butter church. We partner with Total Ministries to share the love of God with those who are facing financial hardshps. The grocery cart in our narthex collects our jars of peanut butter that are sent to stock the sharing pantry at Total Ministries. This is one way that we join God's mission of serving the least, the last and the forgotten. 

Backpack Ministry

Our Backpack Ministry has begun a new year of serving students at Woodland Heights Elementary School with weekend food items. We currently help 56 children with help from community grants from Sam's, Wal-mart and Food Lion and individual donations. See our Ministries Page for more information.

Adult Sunday school

We tackle weekly topics from current affairs, Bible topics and daily life, including "Make Love not War -History of Valentine's Day", Abraham Lincoln, "Did Jesus Always Preach Nonviolence," and "Sabbath at Resistance."Join us for lively and friendly discussions. 

Midweek Bible Study

Wednesdays, 10:00 am, in the conference room near the office.

The Midweek Bible Study has begun a study of Pauline epistles beginning with Thessalonias. No experience required. Come and share in the fellowship. 

Weekly Events

Adult Choir - Practices after worship on Sunday

Koinoia at Barnes and Noble - 11:30 am on Sunday

Mid Week Bible Study - Wednesdays at 10:00 am

Backpack - Thursdays at 10:30 am

